Thursday, October 1, 2009

Service Unavailable HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable

Today when we try to deploy webpart to SharePoint site, System display following error

“Service Unavailable  HTTP Error 503.  The service is unavailable”


When I research online come across that the error cause due to following reasons

1. Application Pools Identity account password may changed

2. The administrator has stopped the application pool

To Enable Service

1. Open up IIS Manager and


2. Go to Connection and Expand click on Application Pools


3. Select Application Pools and Start (if Services stopped)

If changed Identity account password

4. Locate your App Pool account and right-click on it and select ‘Advanced Settings’.

5. Click on the right of the Identity box to change it (A window will pop up).

6.  Click on Set and simply retype your App Pool Identity in there with the new password.



Jason Robertson said...

handy post thanks

Unknown said...

Thanks Jason

Unknown said...

Thank you Faizal!!! You saved me! :)

Unknown said...

Thank you soooo much Faizal!

Unknown said...

Thanks for this post. It pointed me in the correct direction.
The identity hadn't changed for me but I noticed that because I'd changed the password against the linked identity the sharepoint application pool had stopped. I went into the Advanced Settings and re-entered the password and all was well.

Stark Botha said...

Thanks so much!

Ilish Garay said...

Se te agradece mucho amigo, solucioné mi problema. muchas gracias :)

Unknown said...

Roy gracias por sus comentarios en español ...

Roy thanks for your comments on Spanish...

Ahmed Said said...

Thanks a million , nice post

Ahmed Said said...

Thanks a million , nice post

Anonymous said...

Man! You are a hero! I lost 5 hours solving all kinds of network related problems as suggested on MSD due to haveng "A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - The specified network name is no longer available.)" in event log.

But the problem was: during the installation of Project Server 2010 installer shutting down application pools.

Thank you very much your you post.

Unknown said...

You have a beautiful mind!
Thank You!

fib0nacci said...

You are the best!

fib0nacci said...

You are the best men!

محمّد سددقالی . سوفٹوارے ڈولوپر said...

Hi Fizal,
This is siddiqali. Through this post of 503 error .I am able to open the Sharepoint Central admin,But unable to open the sites existed in the port.I hope you will send any solution to my mail

Unknown said...

Just follow above information and include your site names in the registry you will able to access the site

morshed772 said...

Thanks Man, that really helped me. I changed the service account password for the app pool and resetting the password worked from IIS.

Sandeep(Sandy) said...

Thank U Faizal. Really I works for me..!!!

Ali Haider said...

This helps me a lot to fix the Issues.

Syed Rizvi

faizal said...

Dear Mr. Faizal,
we are facing the following issue

Server error:

on my sharepoint server 2007.
we cannot able to find the actual issue.
please help me out

Mohammed Faizal

Unknown said...

Hi Faizal,

Please let me know more information, Server Error is very generic, is it happen once installation is completed, or during installation? Or config. Time.

faizal said...

Sharepoint 2007 is working after "Configures SharePoint Products and Technologies." but when we tried to open site it gives scripts error.

Please provide your email address so i will send all snapshots.


Yousuf said...

Great Post. Thank you very much Faizal. I was very much disappointed after working very hard on CRM, suddenly i start receiving "Service Unavailable error.", but you saved my life.

Unknown said...

Other than Application Pool in Stopped status, There are few more reasons for Service Unavailable: HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable in SharePoint, like Password expiry, etc.

Found this checklist to resolve this error in -
Service Unavailable: HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable in SharePoint

Unknown said...

Really G8ful to one who uploaded thank u...